Welcome To Ahit University Institute
As Provost of AHIT University Institute, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our university – through its website.
AHIT University Institute was founded in 2021 with the goal of advancing the professional and personal ambitions of its students by providing a demanding, yet supportive educational experience. AHIT University Institute challenges its students to exceed their highest ambitions, fosters the mature development of values and deepens a desire to help shape the world. We intend to nurture graduates who are highly motivated individuals, with the ambition and ability to create their own jobs or to achieve, succeed, and make a lasting impact in their careers and communities.
AHIT University Institute brings to our students, programs that are at the intersection of the liberal arts and sciences as well as technology. Our education is defined as liberal in the sense of an education that is “liberating” – liberating the mind to think freely. One of the great challenges facing higher education in the next century will be related to the type of education that our young people will receive. The increasing demands on our educational system to educate for the skills required by the information age has often resulted in an emphasis on higher education towards technical skills at the expense of liberal arts and sciences. At AHIT University Institute, we provide our students with the right balance.
Our students are provided with a rigorous, intense education that both disciplines and expands the mind. Students develop a lifelong desire to learn and grow while also acquiring skills and knowledge necessary for success in their professional lives. At the heart of this education is the General Requirement, which exposes all our students to primary fields of inquiry and the cultural values that shape our world. We expect our students to perform at the highest level and set demanding standards in the classroom and virtual environments.
With the use of cutting-edge technologies, AHIT University Institute delivers some of the best career-focused programs to students across the globe. AHIT University Institute has affiliations with local and international universities and other institutions. In addition, we are home to several independent academic and professional centers as well as an academic journal. These programs and activities enrich the University’s intellectual life, open opportunities for specialized study, and engage students with important issues in the wider world.
Our students are expected to improve the common good by utilizing their skills and knowledge to promote tolerance, compassion, and social justice. The curriculum is designed to engage students with important social concerns, both domestic and international, and prepare them to lead as informed citizens, socially responsive professionals, and active members of the community. It is because of this that our motto is “Per Ardua Ad Astra” the Latin phrase that means “Through Hard Work to the Stars,” and our slogan is “Transforming Lives, Transforming Society.”
At AHIT University Institute, we are committed to the success of our students. For this reason, we also have as one of our slogans “Learn with Support, Graduate with Confidence.” This is made possible by our responsive faculty and staff. In addition, we have an emphasis on small classes and a professionally oriented teaching faculty, which makes us an ideal university in which students can capitalize on the values and benefits of a liberal education that prepares them for the technological age. Our relatively small private university provides a sound education, where teaching and research for the faculty holds the primary rewards.
Welcome, once more, to AHIT University Institute!

Mr. Engelbert Kengnjo
Acting President
Email: president@ahituniversity.org